Sunday, March 21, 2010

Insights That Would Touch Your Heart

I was so busy last month and on the previous days. I was busy with work and with some trials in life. Through those times I have learned a lot of things. Two good things when you undergo trials, you grow in your faith and increase your wisdom and understanding with life.

One of the books that helped me through those hard times is Heroes by Dr. Harold J. Sala. I will share to you some of the insights that I have read from this book and gave me inspiration.

"True greatness is not dependent upon accomplishments alone but in fulfilling God's purpose for your life."

"A person can have a profound influence in our world and never receive much publicity or notoriety."

"We are really much the same when it comes to matters of life and death."

"Putting ourselves in the position of the other person means that we will treat individuals with compassion and care."

"Just because you cannot do everything, you should not neglect doing what you can."

"Our greatest accomplishments in life are the result of great sacrifice."

"No matter what you need, the grace of God is sufficient for you."

"The true measure of a person is the ability to abide by his or her own convictions,  no matter how lonely he or she may be."

"Dedication and hard work will take you further than talent without commitment."

These are still more in that book that helped me when I was so down. I will slowly share that to you that you may be encouraged as well.  

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